weak system of government web security

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ups ....
Headlines from only one server is yes, no it's india
I have already moved to the adult age to 63 years and the development of technology that the more the more rapidly it seems increasingly behind if we see another country that is increasingly growing rapidly.
but during must always remain in the compound, yesterday when I try to go several government websites I also see a little surprised that the weak security in the use of government for the website.
lhoh ....
adminnya not in the pay packet of money Tho country? but even passerby?
And so it ....
Sure passerby how do you work? what I was watching what chating step: p
wekekeekekeek .....

DEC, but instead I only care to the nation to experience this in the Poker pay packet of money, my people ..., right??
contohkan only
This government website


in this web, there are two slit sql injection see that I was

and many other government websites are often in jahilin by the hackers: p
some cases, we often hear the government subject deface the web ..
one of whom come ......
look now is not the time to try, I want to try to move forward
web admin for the immediate repair of your system or contact

kecemplungkalen [at] hacker [dot] co [dot]id

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