stupid sql injection

ho ho ho postings this very quality people even just a truck info:)
Poker experience the place nyalain kompie favored iseng2 Enjoy it while kayaking beginian again nemunya wekekekeke
there is a rift in the sql injection site KPU surabaya wekekekekekeke .....

wong said, sensitive to experience the roads to the outside of the country?
ngurus web's even capable thin !!!!!! geblek ......
I want people's money habisin ... fvck it .....

I was the admin that even in a pay packet of money people can benerin even though people in jahilin;)

I klihatan NOH 20union% 201.2% 20select, version (), 4, system_user (), user (), 7, a database () / * 20union% 201.2% 20select, concat (user (), char (58), database (), char (58), version ()), 4 / *

I have eight duitnya in a charity bagi2 yah ...
I was wekekekeke


cool people

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This is for the sensitive display windows is even more beautiful and beratin performance or engine performance,

tolerably passerby create the look interesting with care even though the display windows of a so-so, even ventures in the debate would thank screenshoot I know the shape;)

But it was the theme of the debate, please find your own: D
google in many thin.

StardockWindowBlinds 6:10:55 it's the patch happens you can use the full version, and I loved how I patch it on there ....

But now please download the file it


Command mIRC

Command - Command mIRC
comand dasar
1. Ganti nick = /nick (nick baru)
2. Notice = /notice (nick) (pesan)
3. Masuk Channel = /join (#channel)
4. Keluar Channel = /part (#channel)
5. Keluar IRC = /quit (pesan)
6. Ganti Server = /server (nama server)
7. Private = /query (nick)
8. Invite = /invite (nick) (#channel)
9. Mode I = /mode (nick) +I
10. Ignore = /ignore (nick)
11. Action = /me (pesan)
12. Whois = /whois (nick)
13. Away = /away (pesan)
14. Balik Away = /away
15. Ping = /ping (nick)
16. Bersihkan layar = /clear

NickServ :

1. Register Nick = /ns register (password) (email)
2. Identify Nick = /ns identify (password)
3. Ganti Pass = /ns set passwd (passwd lama) (passwd baru)
4. Enforce = /ns set enforce (on/off)
5. Kill Ghost = /ns ghost (nick) (passwd)
6. Kill = /ns set kill (on/off)
7. Recover = /ns recover (nick) (passwd)
8. Release = /ns release (nick) (passwd)
9. Drop = /ns drop (nick)
10. No Op = /ns set noop (on/off)
11. No Memo = /ns set nomemo (on/off)
12. Info = /ns info (nickname)
13. URL = /ns set url (http:// )
14. Ganti Email = /ns set email (password) (emailnya)
15. Showemail = /ns set showemail (on/off)
16. MailBlock = /ns set mailblock (on/off)

comand læn²
1. Register Channel = /cs register (#channel) (passwd) (desikripsi)
2. Identify Channel = /cs identify (#channel) (passwd)
3. Successor = /cs set (#channel) successor (nickname)
4. Drop Channel = /cs drop (#channel)
5. Ganti Pass Channel = /cs set (#channel) passwd (pass lama) (pass baru)
6. Lupa Pass Channel = /cs sendpass (#channel) (email)
7. Founder Baru (Identify #Channel Dulu) = /cs set (#channel) founder
8. Mailblock = /cs set (#channel) mailblock (on/off)
9. Private = /cs set (#channel) private (on/off)
10. Set Description = /cs set (#channel) desc (deskripsinya)
11. Set Topic = /cs set (#channel) topik (topiknya)
12. Set URL = /cs set (#channel) url (alamat url-nya)
13. Set Mlock = /cs set (#channel) mlock (tulis modenya)
14. Set Restrict = /cs set (#channel) restrict (on/off)
15. Set KeepTopic = /cs set (#channel) keeptopic (on/off)
16. Set TopikLock = /cs set (#channel) topikclock (off/sop/founder)
17. Set Memo Channel = /cs set (#channel) memo (none/aop/sop/founder)
18. Set OP-Guard = /cs set (#channel) opguard (on/off)
19. Add/Del Sop = /cs sop (#channel) (add/del) (nick)
20. Add/Del Aop = /cs aop (#channel) (add/del) (nick)
21. Lihat List Op = /cs (aop/sop) (#channel) list
22. Akick Nick = /cs akick (#channel) (add/del) (Nick!*@*)
23. Akick Ident = /cs akick (#channel) (add/del) (*!ident@*)
24. Akick IP Address = /cs akick (#channel) (add/del) (*!*@IP Addressnya)
25. Akick List = /cs akick (#channel) list
26. Op List = /cs (sop/aop) (#channel) list
27. Lihat Akses = /cs why (#channel) (nick)
28. Unban = /cs unban (#channel) (nick)
29. Invite = /cs invite (#channel) (nick)
30. Info = /cs info (#channel)
31. Access Channel = /cs access (#channel) (nick op)
32. Count = /cs count (#channel)

by dxsesa7

weak system of government web security

ups ....
Headlines from only one server is yes, no it's india
I have already moved to the adult age to 63 years and the development of technology that the more the more rapidly it seems increasingly behind if we see another country that is increasingly growing rapidly.
but during must always remain in the compound, yesterday when I try to go several government websites I also see a little surprised that the weak security in the use of government for the website.
lhoh ....
adminnya not in the pay packet of money Tho country? but even passerby?
And so it ....
Sure passerby how do you work? what I was watching what chating step: p
wekekeekekeek .....

DEC, but instead I only care to the nation to experience this in the Poker pay packet of money, my people ..., right??
contohkan only
This government website

in this web, there are two slit sql injection see that I was

and many other government websites are often in jahilin by the hackers: p
some cases, we often hear the government subject deface the web ..
one of whom come ......
look now is not the time to try, I want to try to move forward
web admin for the immediate repair of your system or contact

kecemplungkalen [at] hacker [dot] co [dot]id